Thursday, June 16, 2011

Papercraft Star - Up-cycle / Bracelet Tutorial


Hi, today is tutorial Thursday over at Papercraft Star and I have a fun tutorial to share with you.

We all use glue dots, tacky tape or tissue tape on our scrappy projects. In this tutorial I will show you how to take the cardboard circle base for your glue dots or tissue tape and turn it in to a cute bracelet!

This is what you will need....
Cardboard circle from used glue dots or tissue tape.
Ribbon of your choice (4 pieces about 1 1/2 long, 1 7-8 inch piece and 1 46 inch piece) These measurements will vary by the size of your cardboard or bracelet piece.
Hot Glue Gun and a couple glue sticks
Embellishment(s) of your choice (optional)

Let's get started...
(Click photo to see larger view.)

1) Cut through one side of the cardboard to create the opening of the bracelet. 

You may want to bend and manipulate the cardboard to get a shape that will fit your wrist. If the cardboard comes apart a bit, this is okay, we are going to cover it! 

2) Glue the small pieces to each end of the bracelet letting the ribbon hang over the edge about 1/8 of an inch. This will cover the ends of your bracelet so you can't see the cardboard. (NOTE: if you have a narrower cardboard piece you may only need 1 ribbon piece for each end.)

 3) Take your 7 inch piece and adhere one end like shown in the picture above. (NOTE: if you want the wrapped ribbon to show, skip this step)

4) Take longest ribbon piece and adhere cross ways like the picture above shows.

5) Wrap the ribbon tightly around the cardboard base hot gluing the ribbon down as you go.

6) Take your 8 inch piece and begin adhering across the top of your bracelet. Do not go all the way to the end.

7) Now you will have to alternate adhering the ribbon until you longer piece is flush with the end of the bracelet like shown above.

8) Fold over end of leftover ribbon and adhere to bracelet.

The base of your bracelet is done! 
You can leave it as is or embellish it like shown in the photo below. 

Aren't these fun!?! I think they would make an adorable gift and the best part is it's up-cycled!! 

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Did you make one? I would love to see it!

Thank you for stopping by for Thursday's tutorial at Papercraft Star

Pour your "ART" out!


  1. I can't wait to use up some of those glue dots so I can have the cardboard for this! lol thanks so much for sharing this! :D

    Take care cuz I care,

  2. Fun project Regan! you come up with some of the most interesting ways to reuse things. Kepp those ideas coming. Hugs!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it! Hugs, Regan